January 2022 Skills to Advance free courses for those in employment who wish to up-skill
Call 087 188 9291 for an application form
Skills to Advance is a scheme designed to support those in employment to upskill and improve their employment opportunities. We provide courses that allow students to gain skills and qualifications relevant to local employment opportunities and progress to higher education courses if desired.
Who can attend Skills to Advance
Those who are employed in all parts of the workforce whose skill level is below level 5 on the national framework of qualifications.
Such employees can access upskilling opportunities at level 5 or below free-of- charge across relevant further education and training provisions.
There will be a particular focus on employees who are in jobs with a low skill requirement, 50+ years of age, and in sectors/occupations at risk of economic displacement.
What can I study on Skills to Advance?
Newbridge FETC offers a broad range of QQI modules at levels 4, 5 and 6 in areas such as Healthcare, Animation, Multimedia, Business and Supervisory Management.
Course certification: Certification is available at a range of levels, including QQI awards at Levels 4, 5 & 6 of the National Framework of Qualification.
QQI Level 4
- IT Skills
- Personal Effectiveness
- General Office Skills
- Graphic Design
- Customer Service
- Work Experience
- Healthcare
QQI Level 5
- Multimedia Project Development
- Emergency Department Care Skills
- Communications
- Multi Media Authoring
- Palliative Care
- Team working
- Work experience
- Marketing Practice
- Customer Service
- Care Support
QQI Level 6
- Marketing Management
- Spreadsheets
- Team Leadership
- Project Management
Application process:
Once an application form or online application has been received, potential students are invited to interview, they may also be asked to complete an initial assessment. Online applications can be made through www.newbridgefetc.ie.
For further information contact: Skills to Advance Co-ordinator: Darryl Griffith, Further Education and Training Centre, Station Rd Newbridge Co Kildare.
Phone: 045 434 297 / 087-1889291